Refund & Returns

We want you to be happy with your product and are committed to your satisfaction. In the event that you are not happy, we will issue a full refund for the product. Shipping the item back will be at the expense of the customer and original tags must be attached. 

Please ship the return items to:

Eleven Zero
44 East Ave, Apt 3607
Austin, Texas 78701

Please email with your order number to initiate a return. Claims must be made within 30 days of receiving the product.


You have the right to claim a refund or replacement in the unlikely event that a product is defective during production or damaged during shipping. Please email us at within two week of receipt and we will send you a replacement or issue a refund if we determine that the damage occurred during manufacturing or shipping. Please include your order number and an image of the damaged or defective product in your email.